
To: Students who registered for PMN 200 NA Nyack Heritage Course (Spring, 2006)

From: Prof. Jintae Kim, Alliance Theological Seminary

Re: Preparation for PMN 200 NA

This memo is written to those students who registered for PMN 200 NA taught by me.

There are six things I want to inform you of.

1. Books to be read prior to coming to the class on the first day


You must have read the two required textbooks before you show up in the class on April 8, 2006. Otherwise, you will have difficulty taking the final exam that will be given on the same day (in the afternoon). The two books are:

Niklaus, R. L. ed. All for Jesus. Christian Publications, 1999.

Simpson, A. B. Fourfold Gospel: Jesus Christ Our Savior, Sanctifier,

Healer, Coming King. Christian Publications, 1984.

Both textbooks are available at Christian Publications, 315 West

43rd Street New York (Manhattan), NY 10036.

Store Manager: Gary Gin.


Phone: 212-582-4311; Fax: 212 262-1825; Website:

2. Visit my website


Also, you are encouraged to visit my website for syllabi and virtual resources. If you don’t, you will be very sorry later. My website address is:

Click on "English"

Click on "JTKim at Nyack College"

Click on "Syllabus for Nyack Heritage" for Syllabus

Click on "Virtual Resources for Nyack Heritage" for the resources, among which

are my summary charts of the two required books.

3. Classroom: to be announced.


4. Lunch: You may bring your own lunch or eat at the cafeteria (about $4.20 per

person) on the third floor, Boon Center.


5. Transportation: Buses usually leave on 7:30 am from 361 Broadway to Rockland

campus on both days. Be there on time!

6. You must bring your own pencil for taking the final exam on April 8.

In Christ our Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and the Coming King,