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Spice Market in Istanbul Old City on Nov 10, 2024

작성자: JintaeKim 조회 수: 16

After visiting Troy on Nov 9, we traveled by bus to Istanbul via the beautiful Dardanelles where so many decisive wars were fought throughout the last 2500 years, and the Marmara Sea. We slept late at the Millennium Golden Horn Hotel, where we stayed on the first and the last days of this trip. Before leaving for the US on Nov 10, we visited the Spice Bazaar for our final souvenir shopping in the rain. The Spice Bazaar (Turkish: Mısır Çarşısı, meaning "Egyptian Bazaar") in Istanbul, Turkey, is one of the largest bazaars in the city. Located in the Eminönü quarter of the Fatih district, it is the most famous covered shopping complex after the Grand Bazaar. The name of the bazaar was first "New Bazaar." Then it got its name "Egyptian Bazaar" (Turkish: Mısır Çarşısı) because it was built with the revenues from the Ottoman Eyalet of Egypt in 1660. The bazaar was (and still is) the center for the spice trade in Istanbul, but in recent years shops of other types are gradually replacing the sellers of spices.
The building itself is part of the külliye (complex) of the New Mosque. The revenues obtained from the rented shops inside the bazaar building were used for the upkeeping of the mosque.
The structure was designed by the court architect Koca Kasım Ağa, but the construction works began under the supervision of another court architect, Mustafa Ağa, in the last months of 1660; following Istanbul's Great Fire of 1660 that destroyed many neighborhoods in the city. A major rebuilding and redevelopment effort started in the city following the fire, which included the resumption of the New Mosque's construction works in 1660 (halted between 1603 and 1660, the construction of the mosque was ultimately completed between 1660 and 1665) and the beginning of the Spice Bazaar's construction in the same year (all buildings in the New Mosque külliye, including the Spice Bazaar, were commissioned by Sultana Turhan Hatice, the Valide Sultan (Queen Mother) of Sultan Mehmed IV.) IMG_3544.JPG

이스탄불은 그동안 가뭄으로 애로가 많았다고 하는데, 우리가 떠나는 날 하나님이 비를 내려 주신다. 가이드인 마리아는 비가 온다고 아주 기쁨이 가득했지만, 아쉽게도 우리는 이런 날씨에 전혀 준비가 되어 있지 않았다. 그래도 우짜노, 그냥 맞아야지.



여기에 보이는 Mosque가 바로 New Mosque이다. Spice Market 은 이 모스크의 재정을 감당하기 위해 세워졌다. IMG_3549.JPG


이렇게 바깥에도 가게가 들어섰다. IMG_3550.JPG


이게 Spice Market 의 입구이다. 입구에 Mısır Çarşısı라고 터어키로 쓰여 있지요. 에집트 바자란 뜻이에요. 원래 이름은 영어로 "New Bazaar"였는데, 1660년에 당시 오토만 제국의 에집트 Eyalet (한국어로 자치구 같은 거에요)에서 건축비용을 부담함으로 그렇게 이름을 붙였다고 해요. IMG_3551.JPG


휘황찬란한 모습으로 우리를 유혹하는 온갖 귀금속과 Spice들을 보세요. 아내가 선물용으로 Saffran을 좀 사 가려 했는데 아이고 비싸도 너무 비싸네요. 좀 싼 것들로 낙착을 보았어요. 우리 주제를 알아야지요. IMG_3554.JPG


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