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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 첨부

Give Thanks!

Scripture (성경본문): Ps 84:5-7

Date (일시): Nov 24, 2024

Charleston Truth Alliance Church



First Thanksgiving: Show the picture illustration of the first Thanksgiving.


The First Thanksgiving Celebration


However, the first American Thanksgiving didn't occur in 1621 when a group of Pilgrims shared a fe

ast with a group of friendly Indians.


The first recorded Thanksgiving took place in Virginia more than 11 years earlier, and it wasn't a feast. The winter of 1610 at Jamestown had reduced a group of 409 settlers to 60. The survivors prayed for help, without knowing when or how it might come. When help arrived, in the form of a ship filled with food and supplies from England, a prayer meeting was held to give thanks to God.


Reality: Valley of Baka (눈물골짜기)


The extreme condition: The winter of 1610 at Jamestown had reduced a group of 409 settlers to 60. That winter was freezing and provisions were scarce. Reading this story reminded me of Ps 84:6.

As they pass through the Valley of Baka, they make it a place of springs;  the autumn rains also cover it with pools.


Valley of BakaàValley of Blessings (Ps 84:6)


The US became the major force in the world physically and spiritually.

US mission greatly contributed to world evangelization. The best example is Korea, which grew to be the major global evangelization force.


How It All Began

It all began with the thanksgiving. 


What Made Them Persevere with Thanks?


Pilgrim’s Vision


They did not lose heart because they held on to their vision to establish the Kingdom of God in this land where God’s name is hallowed, God’s will is done, and God will provide our daily bread. 


Lesson from the 1st Thanksgiving


Are you passing through the valley of Baka?


Give thanks to our God in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit!

Hold on to your vision to establish the kingdom of God here!

Then, we can make the valley of Baka into the valley of blessings.


Let us read Ps 84:5-7 again!


5 Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.

6 As they pass through the Valley of Baka, they make it a place of springs;

the autumn rains also cover it with pools.

7 They go from strength to strength,


    till each appears before God in Zion.



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