Overcome Jealousy (Gen 4:1-8)
Rev Dr. Jintae Kim
Charleston Truth Alliance Church
Feb 16, 2025
We have been studying Genesis this year. God let Moses record all the events in Genesis so that they would be a mirror for the believers. It was given to us to show us why humans fell so that we would be on guard against Satan’s trap. The reason for giving us today’s text is the same. Today, we will learn how we can overcome jealousy by studying the text.
The Tragedy of Fratricide
Men were created in the image of God and were allowed to live in Eden, but they lost all of these privileges, fell under the power of the devil, and followed the devil’s sinful and murderous characters. Consequently, the first incident that occurred was fratricide due to jealousy. Keep in mind, Cain’s case is not someone else’s problem. Let us first examine how Cain came to commit such a heinous crime.
4:4 Then Abel also brought an offering of fat portions from the firstborn of his flock. The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering,5 but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor. Cain was very angry, and his face fell.
Some claim that God answered Abel because he offered a bloody sacrifice, but God did not respond to Cain's sacrifice that way because he offered a bloodless offering from the ground. That’s not true because, in the Old Testament, there are sacrifices offered not only with the blood but also with the fruits of the earth.
Then why did God not accept Cain’s sacrifice? The reason is not revealed in the Bible, so we cannot tell for sure. When interpreting the Scripture, we must keep in mind the words of 2 Peter 1:20:
“Know this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of private interpretation.”
If you try to interpret something that is not clearly stated in the Bible, you will inevitably get caught up in a strange story, often heretical.
One thing is certain. Whether or not to accept a sacrifice is up to God’s sovereign decision. No creature has the right to force it. He is our Creator. Remember: Creator-Creature Distinction!
Four Reasons
Then, why did Cain become the first murderer to kill his brother?
There are four reasons for this.
1. He did not acknowledge God’s sovereignty.
The attitude of asking how God could not accept the sacrifice that I have worked so hard to offer is not the attitude of a created being.
2. He could not admit that Abel offered a better sacrifice than he did.
A person who cannot admit that others can be better than him cannot stand to see others do well and becomes jealous of them. There is no peace in the heart of such a person, and the desire for sin is crouching at the door because he is angry like Cain.
3. He did not accept what was already decided.
4. He did not master his sinful desire.
(Genesis 4:6-7) 『[6] Then the LORD said to Cain, "Why are you angry? Why is your face fallen? [7] If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is for you, but you must master it."
Jealousy and envy often claim our hearts. There is no exception to that. However, we all have the responsibility to control them so that they do not turn into crime. That is why God gave humans free will.
So, am I free from jealousy and envy?
We easily condemn Cain, but haven’t we actually responded like Cain in our lives? Do you know what the characteristics of losers are? If I had to pick one, it would be that they couldn't overcome jealousy and envy and wasted their lives in feelings of inferiority and anger. I've seen many of the losers while I was in the business world and schools. There are people like this among the students I'm currently teaching.
So, how should we respond when jealousy and envy come into our hearts so that we do not commit sin?
Three Remedies
If I were you, I would suggest that whenever jealousy and envy come into your hearts, you should shout three things to yourselves as follows:
First, “Who do you think you are?”
Where in the world is there a law that says you should be first?
Does it make sense that only yours should be sold?
Why do you have to have it? (Example: I have to be a principal!)
Why should only your child go to a good college?
Second, “Wake up! Many are better than you in certain things.”
Hear what Paul says:
Phil 2:3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves, 4 not looking each of you to his own interests, but each of you to the interests of the others. Make my joy complete.
This is a Biblical value and principle of interpersonal relationships. That's how you succeed in interpersonal relationships and business.
Third, “Mind your business! Focus on what you are entrusted!”
Business may fail. No matter how hard you study, you may not be able to get first place because you are not smart enough. No matter how hard you try to raise your children, they will not do as you want them to.
All we have to do is do our best to cultivate and protect the Eden that God has given us. It doesn't matter whether it's one talent, two talents, or five talents. God will see the process and give the same reward. The best in the world could be the last in heaven.
Shall we pray
Father God, thank you for letting me discover my sinfulness through Cain’s crime. Lord, when jealousy attacks me in my heart, please give me the wisdom to change my attitude toward the situation. Please grant me the attitude to consider others better than myself. Please grant me the courage to do my best in all things entrusted to me and submit to the results. I pray in Jesus’ name.